06 May 2023, 17:43
3 DAYS LEFT TILL MIGRATION | IMPORTANT LINKS I know I sound like a broken record here but we need to make some progress on this over the next 2-3 days in order to facilitate a smooth transition. ❗❗Please exit all DexFi native token liquidity positions & consolidate into dexSHARE and/or USDEX If you have not already done so, we need everyone to remove their liquidity on DexFi native tokens (dexSHARE/BNB & USDEX/USDC). As all post migration liquidity will be protocol owned, only single assets (dexSHARE, USDEX & dexIRA) will be available to migrate. If you’re in any vault containing our native products we’re recommending that you withdraw (zap out) to either dexSHARE or USDEX and keep the tokens held in your wallets until we migrate. If you’re in the farms, please withdraw and split the LPs. If you’d like to maintain your current investment value with us you may use the other half of the LP (BNB and/or USDC) to purchase more dexSHARE/USDEX. All links provided below: Money Market Farms (Withdraw from farms > break LP’s via Pancakeswap) USDEX/USDC https://pancakeswap.finance/v2/remove/0x829c09fCc46D9fd31967272ABA245BEF9f727F93/0x8AC76a51cc950d9822D68b83fE1Ad97B32Cd580d dexSHARE/BNB https://pancakeswap.finance/v2/remove/BNB/0xf4914E6D97a75f014AcFcF4072f11be5CfFc4cA6 wDEX-SHARE (unwrap) dexETFs (only funds with DexFi native tokens need to be liquidated) Deprecated Vaults, Farms & ETFs (Please confirm that you are no longer in any of the v1 products) v1 ETFs v1 dexVAULTS v1 Regulation (Single Stake dexSHARE)