VICTORY BONDS ARE LIVE. Victory Bonds are now available to purchase. A total of 3,000 gDEX Bonds have been added.

25 Jul 2023, 17:15
VICTORY BONDS ARE LIVE! ✌️ Victory Bonds are now available to purchase. A total of 3,000 gDEX Bonds have been added. Victory Bonds will run for a 7 day period while supplies last. 1 Month Victory Bonds Vesting Term: 30 days Bond Price: $50 Current discount: 7% Airdrop APR: 20% Total Supply: 1,000 2 Month Victory Bonds Vesting Term: 60 days Bond Price: $45 Current discount: 16% Airdrop APR: 25% Total Supply: 1,000 3 Month Victory Bonds Vesting Term: 90 days Bond Price: $40 Current discount: 25% Airdrop APR: 30% Total Supply: 1,000 NOTE: APR airdrops will be sent in USDEX+ only during the vesting period. Once the bonds have been vested you will need to claim and stake your gDEX in the typical fashion. Airdrops will begin one week after the close of the Victory Bond campaign. Users will be eligible to receive airdrops for only if they have not sold any gDEX during the period. Bond supply is still regulated by a daily supply cap. If the bond you wish to purchase is sold out please try again the following day. Get your Victory Bonds at: